Jun 18, 2021

Role of Vital Force in Homeopathic Cure (Acute and Chronic Disease)

Role of Vital Force in Cure Without Medicine

In acute disease: The vital force is always attempting to recover from diseased states, In acute disease the role of vital force is as follows-
  • If the acute disease are not of too violent character, the vital force may be able to overcome the disease conditions through its own power, without outside help (i. e., medicine) but always in sacrifice of some vital energy.
  • Sometimes the assault may be so great that the vital force is not of itself able to overcome the disease conditions and be completely destroyed. Homeopathic remedies with assist in both of these cases and very often save the sacrifice of the energy as well as the life of the patient.
In chronic disease: In this case, the vital force alone can not extinguish the disease. Hence it requires medicinal help for its cure.
Role of Vital Force in Homeopathic Cure

Role of Vital Force in Homeopathic Cure

Both in acute and chronic disease: During the primary action of the applied homeopathic medicine the vital force remains passive and receives the impressions produced on it. As a result of similar, stronger medicinal disease is produced which removes the natural disease. So the vital force becomes now medicinally diseased.

During the secondary action the vital force reacts against the primary action of the applied medicine. But due to the similar relation between the drug and disease the exact opposite condition is not possible. So the vital force indifferenciates itself and employs its increased energy to extinct the medicinal disease which gradually decreases rapidly of its own accord because of following reasons:
  • Minuteness of the dose
  • Short and limited period of action
Thus the vital force being freed from both the natural disease as well as the artificial disease returns to its original normal condition and takes the charge of the already altered tissues and organs leading ultimately to health.

So, the natural disease is removed by the primary action of the administered medicine and the artificial medicinal disease is removed by the secondary curative action of the vital force.

Role in Vital Force  in the Cure of Artificial Chronic Disease

If the vital force has not already been to much weakened by the mischievous act of the allopathic non-healing art, the artificial chronic disease must be remedied by the vital force itself when it remain undisturbed for several years (appropriate medicinal aid may be given for the eradication of chronic miasm, if any lurking in the background).
Role of Vital Force in Homeopathic Cure (Acute and Chronic Disease) Delowar Jahan Imran 5 of 5
Role of Vital Force in Cure Without Medicine In acute disease: The vital force is always attempting to recover from diseased states, In acu...

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