Tubercular diathesis is form in combination with Psoric and Syphilitic miasm. Tubercular diathesis will predominant if the following pathological indications are present in Family history, Past history and Present Complaints.
Mc Conkey, through clinical experience, came to believe and through that heart disease with or without valvular lesions, diabetes, rheumatism and cancer are tubercular in nature and origin.
Stuart close likes to fix the denotation of the Psoric miasm and identifies it with the Koch's tubercles bacillus. But we think that the time has not yet come to close the debate. Tubercle bacilli's are known to produce skin lesions but it is not yet experimentally verified or clinically demonstrated that they produce vesicular itching eruptions similar to those which are supposed to be produced by Hahnemann's Psoric miasm.
Diathesis: The constitutional or inborn state disposing to a disease, group of disease or metabolic or structural anomaly.
With the growth in knowledge of the Bacteriological science it becomes evident that practically all the disease known to be du to tubercle - bacillus infection are attributed by Hahnemann to Psora. Stuart close is of opinion that the causative agent is identical, and the two terms e.g., Psora and Tuberculosis are synonymous. The modern list is growing slowly by addition, from time to time. of other disease found to be pathologically or bacteriologically related to tuberculosis. it is quite possible that large part, if not all of the remainder of Hahnemann's list may ultimately be included in the modern list. It is another striking fact that Hahnemann chose Leprosy as the typical form of the ancient protein disease which he named Psora.
Modern Bacteriology finds that the bacilli of Leprosy resemble the tubercle bacilli in form, size and staining reactions and that the leper reacts to the tuberculin test and Wasserman Reaction test.
Mc Conkey, through clinical experience, came to believe and through that heart disease with or without valvular lesions, diabetes, rheumatism and cancer are tubercular in nature and origin.
Stuart close likes to fix the denotation of the Psoric miasm and identifies it with the Koch's tubercles bacillus. But we think that the time has not yet come to close the debate. Tubercle bacilli's are known to produce skin lesions but it is not yet experimentally verified or clinically demonstrated that they produce vesicular itching eruptions similar to those which are supposed to be produced by Hahnemann's Psoric miasm.
Pathological indications from Family History are as follows-
- Tuberculosis
- Leprosy
- Heart disease with or without valvular lessions
- Diabetes
- Rheumatism
- Cancer
- Headache
- Cerebro vascular accident (CVA)
- Anorectal diseases (Piles, Fistula, sinuses, stricture in rectum, Bleeding per rectum)
- Lungs/Pleural Pathology
- Obstructive airways disease
- Bronchiectasis
- Laryngitis
- Different types of skin diseases especially ring-worm, Pityriasis, allergy etc.
- Lice at different parts of the body
- Breathing distress/Asthma
- Mental Problem (Psychiatric problem)
- Schizophrenia
- Mania
- Insanity
- Uncontrolled rage from beginning
- Massive Haemoptysis
Pathological Indications from Past History are as follows-
- Tuberculosis
- Kala-azar
- Constipation
- Headache
- Diabetes
- Epistaxis
- Anorectal diseases (Piles, Fistula etc.)
- Massive Haemoptysis
- Different types of skin diseases especially ring-worm, Pityriasis, allergy etc.
- Easily catches cold-cough - fever.
- Obstructive airways disease
- Lice at different parts of the body
- Severe chronic cough, Whooping cough, Bronchitis, Bronchopneumonia, Asthmatic bronchitis, Sinusitis.
- Bed-wetting of chronic character
- Creative child
- "Problem child" - slow in comprehension, dull etc.
- Lean and thin constitution, Fatty constitution with extreme sickness
- Chronic Diarrhoea, Morning Diarrhoea
A Person with Predominant Tubercular Diathesis may have to suffer from following problems-
- Tuberculosis
- Cancer
- Leprosy
- Thyroid problem. (Exophthalmic Goiter, Hypothyroidism etc.)
- Mental Problem (Psychiatric problem)
- Schizophrenia
- Mania
- Insanity
- Uncontrolled rage from beginning
- Bronchitis, Bronchopneumonia, Asthmatic bronchitis, Laryngitis
- Sinusitis
- Spinal Caries
- Scoliosis
- IBS - Irritable bowel syndrome
- Epistaxis
- Haemoptysis
- Anorectal Disease
- Obstructive airways disease
- Homeopathic Science (Health & Fitness) - Dr. Shyamal Kumar Das
- Commentary on Organon of Medicine - B.K. Sarkar
- STEDMAN's Medical Dictionary
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