Scrophularia Nodosa a homeopathic medicine is also known as Knotted Figwort. The tincture is prepared from the whole fresh plant. The remedy is used commonly for tumors or enlarged glands, skin diseases, abscess of the mammary glands, painful piles, bleeding piles, testicular disease, eczema of ear with itching and pus formation.
Clinical Application
Appendicitis, Breast tumors of, Colic, Deafness, Dyspepsia, Enuresis, Eyes scrofulous affections of, Glands enlarged, Leprosy, Liver pains in, Palms cramp in, Pemphigus, Rheumatism, Sigmoid flexure pain in, Sleepiness, Stiff-neck, Ureter pain in.
Key Benefits
- Useful in the treatment of hemorrhoids
- Relieves of warts, growths, eczema, rashes
- Tumors, lumps, nodes or indurations in breasts
- Fibroadenoma breast
- Helpful in curing asthmatic conditions
- Useful in Hodgkin's disease - a type of lymphoma, which is a blood cancer that starts in the lymphatic system.
- Soothes pain in liver
- IBS-Irritable bowel syndrome
- Locally applied to cancerous glands
- Swelling and hypertrophy of the prostate gland
- Useful in pruritus vagiane
- Tubercular Testis
Tumors and Cancer
- Breast
- Testis
- Cancer of the glands ( Hodgkins Lymphoma)
Respiration and chest complaints
- Complaints that occur while Inhaling, sensation of the chest pressure is relieved with Scrophularia
- Cough without expectoration, Cutting pains after exposure to cold.
- Scrophularia is indicated in violent dyspnea by turning on the either side.
- It is effectively used in Breast abscess and relieved the complaints.
- Eczema or Itching behind or around the ear.
- Itching on the back of the hand, between fingers and inside the wrist.
- Itching in the vagina
- Scrophularia nodosa gradually lessens the Prickling, itching all over back of hand, between fingers.
- Burning of the surface of the skin when rubbed
- Irritating vesicles on inside of lip is relieved with Scrophularia
- Sensitive to light
- Can see the objects after closing the eyes
- Eyeballs feel sore, Pain in the eyebrows
- Worse lying on right side
- Patient feels very sleepy especially in the morning, before and after eating with tiredness.
- Pain, cramping
- Cramps, diarrhea, food sensitivities
- Pain in the liver region with bleeding, painful and protruding piles.
- Cutting in liver on pressure.
- Pain in right hypochondrium, worse deep inspiration or lying right side.
- Twisting-pinching pain in umbilicus (left side).
- Colic just below navel and some griping in the side in afternoon.
- Fear, control, losing
- Fear, accidents of
- Loquacity, cheerful, exuberant
- Communicative
- Lack of control over life
- Fear of losing girlfriend and parents
- Several stools daily with tenesmus.
- Excessive drowsiness in the forenoon and afternoon, before and after eating.
- Sweetish water accumulation in the mouth is an indication of Scrophularia.
- Scrophularia is a valuable remedy like Rhus tox in complaints of Joints, or articulations, with pains that last longer that increase more by rest.
- Stiffness that travels from knee to ankles is overcome with help of this remedy.
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