Carbo Vegetabilis is a great homeopathic medicine for Post Trauma Syndrome (PTS). It might be physical or mental trauma. Carbo Vegetabilis is prepared from vegetable charcoal. It is a homeopathic remedy for the ability to reverse near death states of utter collapse.
Clinical Applications
Acidity, Acne, Angina Pectoris, Aortitis, Aphonia, Asthenopia, Asthma, Breasts erysipelas of, Bronchitis, Burns, Carbuncle, Catarrh, Chilblains, Cholera, Constipation, Cough, Deafness, Debility, Diarrhoea, Distension, Dysentery, Dyspepsia, Emphysema, Erysipelas, Eructations, Feet cold, Flatulence, Gangrene, Haemorrhages, Haemorrhoids, Hair falling out, Headache, Heart diseases of, Influenza, Intermittents, Intertrigo, Irritation, Laryngitis, Lungs congested, Measles, Mumps, Nose bleeding of, Orchitis, Otorrhoea, Pregnancy, disorders of, Purpura, Scabies, Scurvy, Shiverings, Sleep disorders of, Starting Stomach disordered, Stomatitis, Trachea, dryness of Tympanites, Typhus, Ulcers, Yellow fever etc.
Carbo Vegetabilis must be prescribed at first in case of-
- One dying after an exhausting illness.
- Person who have never fully recovered from the exhausting effects of some previous illness.
- Person almost dead
- In the last stages of disease, with copious cold sweat, cold breath, cold tongue, voice lost, this remedy may save a life.
- History of any fatal disease.
- History of severe and recurrent Typhoid, Malaria.
- History of severe Measles, Mumps, burn and their after effects.
- History of dangerous trauma and after effects
- History of different vaccinations and after effects
- History of taking medicine(s) of mother before, during pregnancy and also during period of lactation e.g. Medicine(s) for Typhoid, Diabetes, Epilepsy etc.
- History of taking juice of different leaves or roots of plants as medicine for prolong period.
- History of taking any intoxicating drug or liquor for prolong period.
- History of taking snuff for prolong period
- History of smoking (Cigars, Cigarettes etc.) for prolong period.
- History of Tobacco chewing for prolong period.
- Not well since from any adverse situation, like after the death of dearest one, disappointment of love etc.
- Patient of Level-8 i.e. almost lost case [in chronic condition where doses with increased potency is need] (Carbo veg 0/1)
- When Vital force is "slow and sluggish" by nature.
- Patient of Level-8, where no energy persists i.e. Vital force is in the end stage [in acute condition Carbo veg CM single dose is sufficient]
- Where there is "Quick deterioration" of Vital force.
General Applications
- Internal burning with external coldness.
- Black bleeding from ulcers. Oozing of blood from inflamed surfaces. Bleeding from lungs; from the uterus; from the bladder, vomiting of blood (as in cancer).
- Dark, oozing hemorrhage from the uterus; (as in Ca-cervix).
- The skin and mucous membrane ulcerates but no repair, no tissue making, no healing tendency.
- Gangrene, septic condition, blood poisoning especially after surgical operations and after shock.
- Indifferent fellow, Heard everything without feeling pleasantly or unpleasantly, and without thinking about it. Horrible things do not seem to affect him much. He does not quite know where he loves his wife and children or not. This is a part of the sluggishness.
- Occipital headache, violent pressive pain in the lower portion of the occiput.
- Chronic catarrh, feel better when free discharge from the nose, if the discharge stops, congestion to the head comes.
- The hair falls out by the handful.
- Troublesome eye symptoms. Feels sluggish mentally, and does not want to think. Wants to sit or lie around, for every exertion headache starts and troublesome eye symptoms start.
- Offensive, watery, ichorous, acrid and excoriating ear discharge, especially those dating back to malaria, measles..
- When symptoms are in confusion, and the patient has been so much doctored that there is no congruity left in the symptoms.
- Inflammation of the parotid glands, or mumps when change their adobe, from being chilled, and go in the girl to the mammary gland and in the boy to the testes,... bad smelling ear discharge, loss of hearing, ulceration of the internal ear.
- Separation of the gums from the teeth, teeth get loose. Spongy gums and bleeds easily, which are very sensitive. Teeth decay rapidly. Bleeding of the gums when cleaning the teeth.
- Wants to be fanned constantly while cold body surface etc. during critical condition.
- Sensitiveness and inflammation of the tongue during the state of blood poisoning.
- The mouth and throat are filled with little purple aphthous ulcers, which were tittle, white spots to begin with, but they have grown purplish and now ooze black blood.
- In both the male and female organs there is a weakness and relaxation. The male organs hang down. Relaxation of the genitalia; cold and sweating genitals. The fluids escape involuntary.
- Uterus drags down so that she cannot stand on her feet. All the internal organs feel heavy and hang down.
- Suppression of milk; prostration of great debility from nursing.
- The hoarseness comes on in the evening.
- the beginning of whooping cough.
- ... in difficulties of breathing. Suffocation; cannot lie down. A feeling of weakness in the chest, as if he could not get another breath. It may be due to cardiac weakness or may be asthmatic.
- Weak digestion: simplest food disagree;
- Patients craves things that make them sick.
- asthma dates from measles or pertussis is of childhood.
- old, badly treated cases of pneumonia, with a remaining bronchitis..
- ... in a weakly state in young people, as if it were a premature old age in the middle-aged people; or in the breaking down that naturally belongs to old age.
- ... great comforter of aged people...
- The pulse is almost imperceptible.
- The sleep is full of dreams.
- .. indicated after surgical shock, when the patient goes into collapse, and is danger of dying from the shock of the operation.
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